Town Supervisor for the Town of Vernon
Hello Town of Vernon Residents,
I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who supported me with my re-election. The Town Board and I have been able to successfully bring several issues to a close. I look forward to continuing to serve you for another two years. I would like to share with you some of the things we are still working on such as our priorities and our achievements.
1. We have had wonderful progress on the Vernon Center Water District project. With the help of Senator Joseph Griffo, Assemblyman John Salka, Oneida County Executive Anthony Picente and Legislator Keith Schiebel a lot of attention has been brought to this issue. The entire Town Board recently attended a scheduled meeting in Albany, organized by Senator Griffo, with top officials in the state to discuss where we are with funding for this. We are very optimistic things will continue to move forward in providing all of these residents with safe, clean water. We appreciate everyone's patience and wish this could be a faster process.
2. We have successfully received the $200,000 grant money from DASNY for the purchase of a new highway truck.
The Town Board and I would like to thank our Highway Department for their excellent work in keeping our roads and community safe.
Please know my door is always open. I do work a full time job in addition to being Town Supervisor; however I can be reached at 315 829-2985 and will do my best to continue to return calls in a timely manner.
Hope you and your families have a safe and healthy year!
Randy Watson
Supervisor, Town of Vernon
Updated April 20th, 2020 at 4:34pm