Town Clerk for the Town of Vernon
Official Mailing Address-
Town of Vernon
4305 Peterboro Rd.
PO Box 643
Vernon, NY 13476
Town Clerk's Services and Information
Contact Information:
Town Clerk-Jennifer Champney
Deputy Town Clerk-Julie A. McElroy
Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Friday 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Phone 315-829-2422
Fax number 315-829-3196
Email clerk@townofvernon.com
The following services are available through this office:
* Dog license
$7.00 annual fee if spayed/neutered
$15.00 annual fee if unspayed/unneutered
Current rabies certificate is required and spay/neuter certificate (if applicable).
* Sporting licenses-PLEASE NOTE: As of January 1, 2014 we will no longer be selling sporting licenses due to the expense of having to use our own equipment required by the NYSDEC as of that date.
* Marriage license
$40.00 fee
One of the following age-related documents required: birth certificate, baptismal record, naturalization record or census record "AND" one of the following identity-related documents required: drivers license, passport, employment picture ID or immigration record.
* Certified birth, death and marriage certificates
$10.00 fee for each copy
* Disabled parking permits
No charge-Forms available upon request
* Voter registration forms
No charge
* Genealogy
Fee schedule per one spelling of name.
Fee varies depending on requested number of years to be searched.
Unused fees will be refunded.
Please call 315-829-2422 for pricing.
For information on flu shot clinics, please call the Oneida County Department of Health at 315-798-5747.
Town and County tax payments should be mailed to: Town of Vernon Tax Collector, PO Box 643, Vernon, NY 13476, or paid in person at the Vernon Town Office Building, 4305 Peterboro Rd., Vernon, NY during regular business hours.
Checks should be payable to: Town of Vernon Tax Collector.
Penalties will be charged as follows:
January-no penalty
March-1 1/2% plus $2.00 surcharge per parcel
Beginning April 1st all tax payments must be paid to Oneida County Department of Finance, 800 Park Ave., Utica, NY 13501, phone 315-798-5754.
Updated February 17th, 2021 at 9:40pm